new life
01.05.25 - A Resolution to Keep [Judges 1:1-2]
01.12.25 - Success and Failure in Obedience [ Judges 1:1-2:5]
01.19.25 - The Lost Generation [ Judges 2:6-2:15, 3:1-6 ]
01.26.25 - Cycles of Sin and Grace [ Judges 2:16-23 ]
02.02.25 - Othniel and the Compassion of God [ Judges 3:7-11 ]
02.09.25 - Ehud: Strength in Weakness [ Judges 3:12-31 ]
02.16.25 - Barack and Deborah - Mother of Israel [ Judges 4:1-24 ]
Joshua: True to God’s Word
01.01.23 - Passing Faith to the Next Generation [ Joshua 1:1-9]
01.08.23 - I Will Follow [ Joshua 1:10-18]
01.15.23 - Under the Scarlet Cord [Joshua 2:1-24]
01.22.23 - On Jordan's Stormy Banks [ Joshua 3:1-17]
01.29.23 - Sing the Word [Psalm 114]
02.05.23 - Memorial to Grace [Joshua 4:1-24; 5:10-12]
02.12.23 - Generation to Generation [Joshua 1:1-9]
02.19.23 - On Our Side, or God's Side? [ Joshua 5:13-15]
02.26.23 - God Fought the Battle of Jericho [ Joshua 6 ]
03.05.23 - The Community Consequences of Individual Sin [ Joshua 7 ]
03.12.23 - Mortifying Evil [ Joshua 8 ]
03.19.23 - When Gibeonites Come [ Joshua 9 ]
03.26.23 - The Sun Will Not Go Down on God's Promises [Joshua 10]
04.23.23 - The Long Obedience in the Same Direction [ Joshua 10:29 - 11:22 ]
04.30.23 - Joshua's Rest [ Joshua 11:23-13:6 ]
05.07.23 - Our Inheritance [ Joshua 13-19 ]
05.14.23 - Providing Refuge [ Joshua 20-21 ]
05.21.23 - Resolving Internal Conflict [ Joshua 22 ]
05.28.23 - Clinging to the Blessor [ Joshua 23 ]
06.04.23 - God's History of Redeeming [ Joshua 24:1-13 ]
06.11.23 - As for me... [ Joshua 24:14-28 ]
Faith That Lasts
12.31.23 - Faith that Lasts: Faith in Things Unseen [ Hebrews 11:1-3 ]
01.07.24 - Faith that Lasts: Faith Before Judgement [ Hebrews 4:4-7 ]
01.14.24 - Faith that Lasts: Delayed Gratification [ Hebrews 4:8-12 ]
01.21.24 - Faith that Lasts: Better Country, Better KIng [ Hebrews 4:13-16 ]
01.28.24 - Faith that Lasts: Faith that Conquers Death [ Hebrews 4:17-19 ]
02.04.24 - Faith that Lasts: Generation to Generation [ Hebrews 4:20-22 ]
02.11.24 - Faith that Lasts: Faith and Fear [ Hebrews 4:23-28 ]
02.18.24 - Faith that Lasts: Faith That Lasts [ Hebrews 4:29-31 ]
02.25.24 - Faith that Lasts: Faith in Triumph and Failure Part 1 [ Hebrews 11:32-40 ]
03.03.24 - Faith that Lasts: Faith in Triumph and Failure Part 2 [ Hebrews 11:32-40 ]
A Gospel Church
06.23.24 - Needed: Qualified Teachers [ 1 Timothy 1:1-7 ]
06.30.24 - Law and Gospel: Knowing the Difference [ 1 TImothy 1:8-20 ]
07.07.24 - Disciplined Communion [ 1 Timothy 1:18-20 ]
07.14.24 - The Gospel and Children [ Luke 18:15-17 ]
07.21.24 - Praying for Government Leaders [ 1 Timothy 2:1-7 ]
07.28.24 - Temptations in Worship to Men and Women [ 1 Timothy 2:8-10 ]
08.04.24 - Teaching Adam [ 1 Timothy 2:12-15 ]
08.18.24 - Quality Elders [ 1 Timothy 3:1-7 ]
08.25.24 - Quality Deacons [ 1 Timothy 3:8-13 ]
09.01.24 - The Mystery of Godliness [ 1 Timothy 3:14 -16 ]
09.08.24 - False Godliness [ 1 Timothy 4:1-5 ]
09.15.24 - Training to be a Good Servant [ 1 Timothy 4:6-16 ]
09.22.24 - Character and Tasks of the Good Servant [1 Timothy 4:12-13]
09.29.24 - The Watchful Servant [ 1 Timothy 4:13-16 ]
10.06.24 - Honoring our Seniors [ 1 Timothy 4:13-16 ]
10.13.24 - Helping the Truly Needy [ 1 Timothy 5:3-16 ]
10.20.24 - Honoring Leaders [ 1 Timothy 5:17-6:2 ]
10.27.24 - A Gospel Work Ethic [ 1 Timothy 6:1-2 ]
11.03.24 - The Great Gain of Godliness [1 Timothy 6:3-10]
2023 Easter and Guest Speakers
04.02.23 - Palm Sunday Service - When Jesus Put Away the Sword [John 18:1-12 ]
07.09.23 - Easter Sunday Service - Peter and the Resurrection [ John 21:15-19 ]
04.16.23 - Guest Pastor Mark Robinson - Resurrection: Now What? [ Colosians 3:1-4 ]
07.02.23 - Guest Pastor Mark Robinson - His Judgments are True and Righteous [ Zeph 1:1-6 ]
07.09.23 - Guest Pastor Mark Robinson - Rejoice and Rebuild [ Zeph 3:14-17 ]
09.02.23 - Rev. Jonathan Landry Cruse - The Terrors of Law and God
11.26.23 - Rev. Mark Robinson - Don't be Anxious About Anything [ Philippians 4:6-7 ]
Jesus Is Better [ The Book of Hebrews ] continued...
03.10.24 - Christ the Substance of Faith [ Hebrews 12:1-2 ]
03.17.24 - The Good of Discipline [ Hebrews 12:3-11 ]
03.24.24 - The Fruit of Discipline [ Hebrews 12:12-17 ]
04.07.24 - Our Anchor for Kingdom Worship [ Hebrews 12:18-29 ]
04.14.24 - Unshakeable Love [ Hebrews 12:27 - 13:3 ]
04.21.24 - Contentment in Love and Money [ Hebrews 13:4-7 ]
04.28.24 - Roots and Wings [ Hebrews 13:7-13 ]
05.05.24 - Leaders-Obedience and Prayer[ Hebrews 13:17-19 ]
05.12.24 - Final Graces [ Hebrews 13:20-25 ]
Jesus Is Better [ The Book of Hebrews ]
07.16.23 - The Final Word [ Hebrews 1:1-3 ]
07.23.23 - The Better Messenger [ Hebrews 1:4-14 ]
07.30.23 - Neglecting is Rejecting [Hebrews 2:1-9]
08.06.23 - So Great a Savior [ Hebrews 2:5-18 ]
08.13.23 - One Greater than Moses [ Hebrews 3:1-19 ]
08.20.23 - The Better Reset [ Hebrews 4:1-11 ]
08.27.23 - The Better Sword [ Hebrews 4:12-13 ]
09.10.23 - The Better High Priest [ Hebrews 4:14-5:10 ]
09.17.23 - He is Able to Do Far More [ Ephesians 3:14-21 ]
09.24.23 - Spoiling Milk [ Hebrews 5:11-14 ]
10.01.23 - Danger of Falling Away [ Hebrews 6:1-12 ]
10.08.23 - Our Hope is in The Lord [ Hebrews 6:13-20 ]
10.15.23 - A Better Priest [ Hebrews 7:1-28 ]
10.22.23 - A Better Covenant [ Hebrews 8:1-13 ]
10.29.23 - A Better Sacrifice [ Hebrews 9:1-28 ]
11.05.23 - A Better Holiness [ Hebrews 10:1-18 ]
11.12.23 - Some Assembly Required [ Hebrews 10:19-25
New Life Presbyterian Church of Hopewell Township -- A Member of The Presbyterian Church in America (PCA)
2795 Patterson Drive Aliquippa, PA 15001 -- ( 724 ) 378 - 4389